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Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V]

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Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V] Empty Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V]

Post by Guest Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:09 pm

Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V] Folder41

Purchased 720p HD TV Movie from iTunes with DRM removed to allow playback on any device...

Elvis Presley (Rick Peters) travels alone to Washington, D.C., in December 1970 and meets the president (Bob Gunton) of the United States. Dick Cavett narrates.


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Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V] Empty Re: Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V]

Post by leopardman Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:43 pm

Thank you for this funny movie! Even if it's not a perfect 'rockumentary', if you watch it as an ironical comedy, you can enjoy quite a few laughters. Overall it's still better than the other E/N movie, basically they handle Elvis with bigger respect - with a few twist of course.

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Join date : 2020-04-26

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Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V] Empty Re: Elvis Meets Nixon (TV Movie) [iTunes 720p HD M4V]

Post by Guest Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:36 pm

awesome, was looking for this


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